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Foresights of Lilith >>>

The revelation of Lilith >>>

The Teachings of Lilith
on the Virtues and vices. >>>


The Author is Maria Karpinskaya. Google

Chapter 12.
Quality Virtues Mother Lilith and their purpose.


Учение Лилит о Добродетелях и пороках. Дружба

108.    Virtue - Friendship. (continued)

   Terrestrial friendship and friends.

136.   I always think and talk of this Virtue with agitation. My heart sinks when only I pronounce the word – Friendship. Who of people didn't look for true friends? In the childhood and youth many seem friends, and I thought that friends are those people who have mutual ideals.

137.   But over the years I began to understand that all those whom I considered as friends have changed the ideals and we became aloof. My naivety in my youth in general all people wrote down as friends. Friendship was a main slogan and a postulate of the country which is no more, but in which I lived, in the USSR.

138.   But I was attracted by subjects when all the people are brothers and all people are friends. I managed to live so for some time. And even though I was mistaken, deceived and conned out as a veriest fool, I am all the same grateful to myself and destiny for such naivety and this happy and wonderful time.

139.   Of course, many troubles and delusions I went through when I considered each passer and crosser a friend. Over the years I began to understand that friendship, the true friendship, has to be between equal people. But if you have met the people equal to you, conditionally equal, such friendship most of all was praised in literature and at many philosophers, but it is actually impossible as most of the people of high flight has no Generosity, and they are selfish.

140.   But Friendship assumes a mutual effect and switching off of egoism. And my hope to bring together a club of true Friends, people of high thought, wasn't crowned with success.

141.   I saw Friendship between famous people and their governesses, service personnel, between a director of some firm and an administrator. And it was a high friendship, with fidelity and devotion as welfare of one person depended on another. It was a certain symbiosis.

142.   And I consider that on Earth the most important is and will be a Love threshold - Friendship. And human comes to Earth with one of prime targets of own life – a search of Friends and strengthening of Friendship.

143.   Remember my and your favourite book "Little Prince" of Antoine de Saint Ekzyuperi? The little prince looks for friends, and he meets many people. But no one suits him as a friend. All of them are busy with own, and by meeting with the prince everyone wants to drag him into the own occupation, own hobby. But it isn't Friendship. Thus the true friend will never appear. A Fox appears in the book and starts to teach Little Prince to basises of future friendship.

Учение Лилит о Добродетелях и пороках. Дружба

   Qualities of Friendship.
   Responsibility and losses.

144.   To discover a Friend and Friendship at first it is necessary to find a person with whom you want to be on friendly terms, simply to tame him, participating in his affairs, to approach his soul closer and closer. But first of all, if you have decided to find a Friendship and a Friend, you have to be ready to take for him a responsibility.

145.   And Fox tells sacramental words in which the main qualities of Friendship are hidden: "Each person is responsible for the one whom he has tamed" He warns also about Friendship consequences in case of parting, when someone goes to a better world forever. And then the person learns pain, and he will be visited by memoirs, and again there will be pain, but this pain will be sweet.

146.   The book "Little Prince" was for me my handbook in the childhood and it remained for me a code of laws and rules on finding of Friendship. But even now I can tell that to find a true friend is a very difficult, complex and a very long process. It can drag on for years and years.

   Absolute frankness and intimacy.

147.   It is possible to create a Friendship for years, but if disappears or just won't come a total frankness, and even a small hidden trifle appear, then full confidence will disappear, you would never become Friends.

148.   Friendship assumes full and absolute disclosure, trust and frankness till latest and most hidden and deep thought. Only then Friendship is possible. A part of friends life is a constant confession of heart and mind before each other. There can't be secrets, friends can't lie not a jot. Any smallest lie, hiding of truth, concealing, kills friendship on the thin plan, and then the friends unexpectedly part and the friendship breaks up. God save you of losing a friend!

   One Soul for two.

149.   When a true Friendship appears there comes such interpenetration between these who called friends that they will have one Soul on two. And if that will be a Union of friends, do you realize that a Common Soul of these people would revive all the forces of God, and then God himself will appear on Earth. Those who strongly don't wish it do everything that such unions didn't appear.

   Sense of proportion.

150.   That is so wonderful Virtue, and this is a miracle from miracles, but if you have found a Friendship at the price of own efforts and work you should prove every time to the Friend a devotion, trust and frankness.

151.   And there is a sense of proportion. If that with whom you are on friendly terms is below you, and you have elected him for Friendship, a measure is necessary. If you'd become too hospitable to the chosen one, you can lose him or her. Only an old and loyal friend does your life more full-flowing and complete, and both such loyal friends prolong each other's lives.

152.   How the Friendship on Earth gets won.

   •    Sometimes Friendship is bought for money. But such friendship is impossible to keep. At some point it will collapse.

   •    Friendship acquired by a nobility of soul, courage and full self-sacrifice, it is an immortal Friendship.

   •    Friend goes near you and doesn't trudge behind or run forward.

   •    To love a friend is a very complex challenge, for many impossible.

   •    Once broken-off thread of friendship might never restore.

   •    When someone suffers misfortune or gets to trouble the so-called friends run away, but that friend who remains and who can be a friend to the unfortunate and troubled people is great.

   •    We are on friendly terms and we don't know whether the Friend will help us at difficult moment, whether he will come to the rescue, and if we have even a fictitious belief that our friend won't leave us in trouble, we live happily of own belief.

   •    There are people who have unconscious or conscious aspirations to finding of Virtue by the name of Friendship. And the one who looks for a faithful friendship and friends first of all has to have patience and feel at first the needs of others, and then - the own. It is called sacrifice and refusal of an ego.

   •    Friendship first of all appears when someone begins to respect you and to honor, and isn't disappointed in you over the years. Without generosity and readiness to give away the last shirt it is impossible to win Friendship.

   •    But Friendship will be useless and harmful if it isn't mutual, and surely at Friendship mutual obligations are assumed. Attachment of people to each other, which develops from long communication, is also necessary, and friends start to have identical habits. Once again there is a wish to note that Friendship can't do without reciprocity. If you give love to the Friend, give him support, surely the second party has to give as much as he given, but in other form. If all Friendship goes only to one party and has no reciprocity, it won't keep long no matter what great patience one of the parties possesses.

   •    Real family can be strong only when between the man and the woman there is a true friendship and when in the house talent and development governs.

   Features of Friendship.

153.   1).   There is no writer or philosopher who wouldn't write or didn't speak about Friendship, but this phenomenon extremely rare, and it can be compared to mirages in the desert: whether it is a mirage or really a valley. Till you won't pass a long way through grief and pleasures you won't understand – a friend or a traitor is near you, is that the one who will be able to disclose your abilities and to execute your dreams, or it is a snake warmed at your heart.

154.   2).   Also Friendship has another feature. Friendship is something hidden, so deep and ancient, sometimes unknown even to the people who became loyal and devoted friends, that people can't explain their relations to anybody. It is something sacral and mystical. And if before you there was a friend and then he has left, for example for twenty or more years, upon the return and to meeting there will be a feeling as if you were never separated, each will understand all that other knows and understands. It is connected with what I already wrote about - true Friendship gives rise to a new soul, one for two.

155.   3).   If two persons for many years remain loyal and devoted friends it speaks about high human qualities of one of the friends or both at once.

   What is told by the famous people about Friendship.

   •    A famous philosopher F. La Rochefoucauld has told: "Friendship — a finest gift given to people after wisdom".

   •    The outstanding teacher Makarenko writes that the most important and highest quality of person is fidelity. Makarenko writes: "The true friend will never leave in trouble, won't betray. He not only will never blacken you himself, but also won't allow that in his presence others told about you something unfair and reprehensible. At the same time a sincere friend will reproof first if you make bad acts, make mistakes which can become fatal. True friend will try to ward off disaster because he is forever responsible for these whom tamed.

   •    «True friend is faithful everywhere
- in happiness and trouble;
Your grief disturbs him,
If you don't sleep — he can't sleep,
And in everything, without wasting words,
He is ready to help you.
Yes, by actions are dissimilar
A loyal friend and flatterer worthless».
- W. Shakespeare

   •    «True friendship doesn't know envy, and true love - a coquetry.»
- La Rochefoucauld

   •    «Who looks for friends is worthy to find them; who has no friends - never even looked for them».
- G. Lessing.

   •    «A decoration of the house - friends visiting it».
- R. Emerson

   •    «Who will tell me truth about me if not a friend, and it is necessary to hear about the truth about oneself from another».
- V. G. Belinsky

   •    «Only those our friends, not in words - in practice,
Who would put our shackles also on themselves».
- Hisrou.

   •    «These who like to blame others are incapable of friendship»
- Democritus

   •    «It is better to have one friend multivaluable, than many invaluable».
- Anakharsis.

   •    «To give, to take, to share secret, to ask, treat, accept treatment — these are six signs of friendship».
- «Dkhammapada».

   •    «People on the earth have to be on friendly terms … I don't think that it is possible to force all the people to love each other, but I would wish to destroy hatred between people».
- Isaac Asimov.

   •    «Sincerity of relations, truth in communication — that is friendship».
- Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

   •    «Friendship is content with possible, without demanding due».
- Aristotle.

   •    «The agreement of opinion creates friendship».
- Democritus.

   •    «Those who light up the life of others won't remain without light».
- James Mathew Barry.

   •    «Lighting candles of other people from own lamp you don't lose a single part of the flame».
- Jane Porter.

   •    «The sense of true friendship is that it doubles the joy, and halves the suffering».
- Joseph Addison.

   •    «True friendship — slowly growing plant which has to be tested in trouble and misfortune before deserving such name».
- George Washington.

   •    «The one who never looked for neither friendship nor love in thousand times poorer than the one who has lost both of them».
- Jean Paul.

   •    «Don't break off roughly a friendship thread because if it is necessary to connect it again, then there will be a knot.»
- Indian proverb

   •    «Friendship not such a pathetic spark to burn out in separation.»
- Johann Friedrich Schiller

   •    «The true friendship is truthful and brave.»
- Johann Friedrich Schiller

   •    «Only the hand of friend can rip thorns out of heart.»
- Claude Adrian Helvetius

   •    «In the building of human happiness friendship puts up the walls, and love forms a dome.»
- Kozma Prutkov

   •    «The one who is human gives a support to others, wishing to have it himself, and helps them to achieve success, wishing to reach it himself.»
- Confucius.

Continued on the virtues of Friendship read more: How to recognize a true friend. >>>

Author Maria Lilith Karpinskaya. 11 APR 2016
Text translated by Maya Nikolaeva.

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- Ты как, Лилит?
- Я неумолима, как приход рассвета.

Откровения Лилит
от 22.02.2010 г.

История создания ДЕНЕГ,
или фальшивая черная лилит.

Откровения Лилит
от 20.02.2010 г.

Воскрешенная Душа России.

Откровения Лилит
от 2.01.2010 г.

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Обращение ЛИЛИТ

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Обращение ЛИЛИТ

Люди в свете
любви и без любви.


Люди в свете
любви и без любви.


Плач Лилит
о потерянном звуке,
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