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Foresights of Lilith >>>

The revelation of Lilith >>>

The Teachings of Lilith
on the Virtues and vices. >>>


The Author is Maria Karpinskaya. Google

Chapter 12.
Quality Virtues Mother Lilith and their purpose.


Учение Лилит о Добродетелях и пороках. Дружба

108.    Virtue - Friendship. (continued)

   How to recognize a true friend.

156.   How to define that near you are true friends, but not deceivers and liars? If among your friends there are those who are ready to share the last in difficult moments of life, if there is the one who divides with you grief and pleasure and who rejoices at your progress - these are the loyal friends and spiritually rich people.

157.   If for many years people behaved faithfully, didn't betray, were always near in difficulties and troubles, and endured this troubles as their own, and in pleasure together with you sincerely exulted, means - near you the true friends. Friendship is verified only by years of joint actions for the sake of the uniform purpose.

158.   Spiritually poor people aren't able to be on friendly terms. This feeling is closed for him and not given from the birth. To instill it, as shows experience, is almost impossible. Therefore if you see spiritually poor people don't even try to make friends with them, everything will be vain and nothing, except pain and disappointment you'd find. Look for those who are similar to you, who sets as a paramount purpose a development of spirit, development of humanity, who merciful and kind.

159.   Even today friendship, unfortunately, remains a rare gift. And it isn't quite simple to find a friend. An idea of Friendship was formed for the millennia, centuries. For the Friends of mine I'll give the life – the slogan of Spartans and Cossacks. If you met such person, you have found a true wealth.

160.   Friendship is impossible without dedication and high moral principles, those laws and principles which light up all the worlds and universes with this high Virtue. If there is near you a self-sacrificing person who was rejected by society for his height of morals - know, he will be your best Friend.

161.   Friendship is impossible without agreement of opinion. If people have different thoughts, and if the thoughts directed in absolutely different directions, the Friendship between these people never happens, only seldom when thoughts of one person entrain the thoughts of another, and one person will become a pupil of another.

162.   Friendship is possible between kind and sympathetic people, angry people aren't capable to be on friendly terms. Therefore if you have met an angry person, who tries to sign into your friends, sweep aside at once this person because nothing sensible from this will turn out. And you will strongly suffer. There is no point to fight for such friendship. One evil word of angry person will kill Friendship if it has arisen, it will never arise from the angry one.

163.   Those who are on friendly terms have to have wide interests and expanded consciousness, they surely have to be able to dream and give the dreams to each other, such people creative and active. Communication with true friends and between friends is a greatest luxury. And therefore people that have found Friendship - the people elected by God. If one of those who became a Friend understands that he isn't worthy this Friendship but he is ready to give for it his life, if he'd make the efforts and try, he will surely grow spiritually to the level of his Friend.

164.   Remember how loved and valued friendship Alexander Pushkin. He was a true and loyal friend. You remember how he wrote about his fellows lyceum students
It is as soul inseparable and eternal...

165.   But unfortunately Friendship in youth, between people who aren't burdened with a family, is wonderful and magic, but not long. As soon as this or that person, a Friend, makes a family - all Friendship comes to an end. In general family and true friendship are incompatible.

166.   In family Friendship is always absorbed by everyday life. If someone says that he has a family and amicable in the family and has friends on the side, it is impossible to call a true Friendship, but it has the name – Friendliness. Friendliness isn't deep, it reminds a superficial tension of a thin film of balloon which any minute can burst.

167.   Those people who didn't strive for Friendship and weren't ready to a meeting with this Virtue won't be able to understand all pleasure and happiness, completeness of life of those who have chosen Virtue Friendship. The friendship is always a threshold of universal love. There is a small amount of people on earth who are especially embodied here on Earth to find this Virtue Friendship, and they come for the sake of it and for the sake of universal Love.

168.   Of course, those who truly comes to Earth for the sake of ideal of Friendship and Love are generally Creators: poets, painters, writers and just talented creative people, who don't imagine life without Friendship and Love . They live by inspiration about future meeting with the Friend or beloved, and come here for this purpose. They write sublime verses, draw bright pictures, create wonderful works, such as "Scarlet Sails" "Running on waves", "The Shining World" of Alexander Green.

169.   Thus they try to call from future a friend or beloved to meet her on Earth. But their dreams mostly perish here, in the atmosphere of hostility and full misunderstanding. So Alexander Green perished in poverty, poets, artists and writers died so, getting to a drag-net of prudent and mercenary terrestrial women, because of confusing their mercenary attraction with the dream. The dream would embody on Earth and find a Friend or beloved entangled by web of terrestrial illusions and deceptions. Everything, as in the work Orpheus and Eurydice. And if Eurydice tried to rescue her beloved, she perished herself, and Orpheus did perish.

170.   That is why such pain penetrates the souls of all poets, that is why they were becoming habitual drunkards and looked for death here, without having met a Dream, a Friend, they couldn't live in a vice of reality. And terrestrial society did everything to destroy and crush the dreams of such creator and palmed him off a substitution of happiness – a falsity, a chimera, and instead of Friend he had an enemy, who of envy added poison to a vessel of his life. And so lasted for the millennia. But I want so much that creators have begun to see clearly and have learned to distinguish Friend from enemy, love - from substitution.

171.   The person who has received a true Friend will be always inspired, but there is only one condition of Friendship and one eternal and immutable law - a fidelity. If, though for a minute, one Friend has broken the sacred law of fidelity, the Friendship will be scattered, and will turn into dust. Virtue of Friendship doesn't forgive unfaithfulness neither in words, nor in thoughts, nor in affairs. Any incorrect thought in Friendship creates a crack, and the vessel of Friendship leaks and soon this vivifying balm runs out.

172.   If a high-spiritual person has come to the earth and hasn't met a devoted Friend here, it is possible to say that his life wasn't completed But there is one more life: love to an Image of Friend and fidelity to the Image till the time, of death coms, or till there will be a miracle, and the dear friend will be embodied on Earth. Friendship presumes any, most improbable miracles, as Friendship changes all the laws of Universe at the request of Friends.

173.   To tell that this person is my Friend at first sight is possible only in childhood and youth, but true friend is checked in a misfortune and in a big happiness. And years and years are required that Friendship would take place and that person would tell you once and for eternity: "I have found you, you are my Friend". Friendship is your spiritual sun which burns in the hearts of both Friends. In Friendship there is always the third – God. Without Him Friendship doesn't come. Look for the friends who want to speak and do with you through God and in God.

174.   If in life of people Friendship disappears, the spiritual sun disappears, and the life becomes empty and immoral. If Friendship disappears from whole nation and instead of it everything is measured by quantity of money, such people plunge into full darkness and ignorance, and eventually disappear.

175.   If there is in the world some faithful and devoted Friendship - hundreds of thousands of people use this Virtue, possibly everyone, and the world for many people starting to have sense. If the Friendship has taken place with the one who is invisible, and it can be an angelic essence, or God, then the whole world lights up with the light of this Friendship and invisibly influences the distant and close environment. And the worlds gradually approach for connection of the person and the Image.

176.   Those people who born in the world for the sake of search of Friendship sometimes spend for it all their life, find a soul of the Friend through a big work, but the difficulties wouldn't come to an end because sometimes it is still difficult to keep and hold friendship. But if you have found a Friend, you have to trust him, otherwise there is no sense to look for Friendship.

177.   Some consider that Friendship is higher than Love, of course that is told about terrestrial love, in such position Friendship is highest. It is unselfish and doesn't mean sexual relations. And therefore the true friendship more occurs in novels and verses, and almost never met in life. But miracles in the world are happen. If at least one person has met Friendship, having looked for it, the whole world of God and the world of Nature will be built under desires and dreams of the Friends.

178.   And of course there is nothing more terrible and painful than to lose the person whom you considered a Friend. These are torments which not to describe. But in life all can happen and withdrawal of Friend from life is a mutual misunderstanding and omission. Friends shouldn't leave, they live by one world, and if one is alive, another is also alive. If one leaves, so he has allowed a divergence of the worlds, and the crack through which something has come to him was formed, might be something in a form of illness that has killed the Friend.

179.   Why it is so important not to have any foreign thoughts. Friends thoughts are always have to be identical and the divergence is inadmissible. If there the thoughts contradicting one of the Friends appear it is connected with instilment of those who dream to ruin their Friendship. And in this world all forces are directed to a destruction of Friendship. The people, the families, don't allow a creation of Friendly Unions. Thus think, where are your Friends, and why all forces of the world separate you. It is necessary to have such mental and sensual contact that even mosquito wouldn't slip, and the wall of Friendship would have no even a smallest crack.

180.   If your Friend was with you, and he was a true friend, and then he has gone to power, know for all 100% you have right there lost the Friend. If your Friend has departed from you to make his own business, and hasn't divided with you the activity, you have lost the Friend forever.

Continued on the virtues of Friendship read more: My Friendship >>>

Author Maria Lilith Karpinskaya. 11 APR 2016
Text translated by Maya Nikolaeva.

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- Я неумолима, как приход рассвета.

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Люди в свете
любви и без любви.


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