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        Марии Карпинской


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Foresights of Lilith >>>

The revelation of Lilith >>>

Lilith's doctrine about
Virtues and vices. >>>


The Author is Maria Karpinskaya. Google

Chapter 12.
Quality Virtues Mother Lilith and their purpose.


110.    Virtue of Friendship - Greatness.

Lilith's doctrine about Virtues and vices. 110. Virtue of Friendship - Greatness.

213.   And now I will return to Vladimir Megre. Once we have met with him in Gelendzhik concerning a magazine made by me for him and at his request. Megre had to tell me how we will work further.

214.   It was assumed that I will be an editor of this magazine. There were only two of us at that meeting. There was a summer, heat, and I were not a long dress.

215.   Megre with a fast movement has tried to thrust his hand under my skirt. Even myself I didn't expect such fast my reaction, and have presented him such a deafening and offensive slap in the face that I itself was frightened whether I not have broken his jaw.

216.   After such blow I have felt myself guilty - I hit an elderly person. And I began to apologize for the blow. Somehow we got parted. But I thought that it won't have relation to the magazine, I have made it fine. And in the magazine I wanted to tell people about all those who opened and have a spiritual knowledge, force and creativity. And I liked the name of the magazine "Anastasia in a circle of Friends".

217.   I arrived to the meeting of Anastasia's followers, who just gathered concerning opening of the magazine. Solntsev conducted the meeting. Megre hasn't arrived to the meeting, and then it became clear to me why - when there was announced an editorial board and an editor, my name hasn't sounded. I have been shocked and surprised. How so? Megre said to me that we are spiritually close people, we became friends. And such fiasco. For what?

218.   I haven't considered a desire of his P. and the slap in the face. Not the person Megre himself, in whom the energy of my Soul and Souls of many women has been poured, but his phalic tool hasn't forgiven me that I haven't obeyed, haven't bowed to his P. And he has thrown me out. Megre himself at this time didn't think any more what he does. There are too many C-s span on his P.

219.   And also then I began understand that I deal not with a Friend, but with some dangerous animal. There was a person Megre and suddenly he died. Instead of him switched on his P., and there already acted the animal, that about which is written Bibles that there will come a time, and all will bow to an animal.

220.   Like that a very good work and good sprouts of spirituality in the people have been ruined. He just used these people in Anastasia's name or, as people say, fucked. And many men told me that after they began to be on friendly terms with Megre, and believed in Anastasia, their business was ruined. And that were honest and kind people, not swindlers.

221.   Of course, the highest blasphemy – to use the energy of human souls on production of own glory and wealth. And I till this day in indignation from all events with Anastasia and these people. But I didn't begin to interfere with these processes. I have preferred to observe from outside and have faded once again into background.

222.   Today I have remembered one more case connected with animal in human, its special rustling language and special hints and signs. In the room three of us sat: I, Vladimir Megre and a woman from Vladimir who after began to bang with him.

223.   They spoke about something, I didn't listen attentively, but the conversation was some strange for me, somehow the space went bent and dishonest. And then Megre has told this woman by the name of Liouba: "Why do you tell it in front of her ?" He meant me. I felt that they have entered into a certain collision, and in the air it's smelled of treachery. And Liouba has told him, something that there is nothing to be afraid of, because I don't understand their language. In many years it has reached me that there it was the language of C. and P. which I never understood.

224.   C. calls P. And all changes, the Soul is removed, it is trampled down and killed. And many people receive these treacheries in Friendship and Love of Souls as blows of knife in a back. The matter is that when people find each other 's Souls and open a uniform Soul which is subordinated to God and only God is formed.

225.   But when C. appears and switches the person from his Soul to his P., and involves the Soul in the C's space, in a black hole, there is a treachery of God, and other Soul feels terrible torments because her and God such C. tries to drag in hell and to bring down. And this collapse is terrible. It reminds a break, a rupture of uniformed energy body, and there is no equal to that pain.

226.   Why men yield to this animal force of C. again and again? And an animal by the name of P. is rising. When God leads a person to a situation that his animal and executioner P. is struck and fallen down to ruin, lack of money, C-s and P-s, of course, betray and run out, and only Friends and the Soul remains if those were.

227.   In those days Megre has been ruined, but due to the Souls of people his P. has risen again, and Megre used a power of human Souls to return himself a lost niche and money, and once again to cry out that he is ingenious, that he is rich. P. seeks to occupy that niche in which it is a king, and people around it are sheep, believing in existence of a Siberian anchoress with whom it has slept, and she has given birth to its children. Everything is banal, but also terrible. You come to a person, but soon you face his animal.

228.   Actually you have already understood everything. I explain the hidden from you well and simply because I have studied all this and have checked by own experience. And tell me, who else was telling you such? Who thinks same as me? And why I deliver this knowledge to you?

229.   We will be able to cope with the animal that has subordinated all the people to himself only together, understanding from where wind blows and how the animal substitutes the energy of soul to an arrogance and rage, greed and cupidity. Write down all defects, and they all will be its qualities, but not yours.

230.   God has given us Soul, and it belongs to God. If to live with Soul, you will live with God. If you will love Soul, you will love God, and God will love you and protect. If you will live with C. and P., you will live in hell with demons. Decide it yourself, human. The choice is yours.

231.   In Megre at first the Soul has revived, but after not the Soul has won. His P. has won a victory over him. And everything has again rushed around for Megre and people that have followed him. And now Megre's circle has very strongly extended, but for people that around him it narrowed till about 1 hectare, while Megre already has a part of the world and not only Russia, but also other countries.

232.    His P. has exulted. He has revived on spiritual ideas and the grand design. And again and again material has won against spiritual world. But there is still not evening, friends. And what is interesting - it has nothing to do with human, the animal has won because person didn't distinguish where hell works and where is paradise. And now you already know that all this lives in people. Hell is between legs, lower the belt, but it can be brought through an empty head, paradise is near the heart and in the mind of person.

233.   Soul has no defects, it has honor and conscience, kindness and all Virtues in itself. But cunning and vicious P. has no conscience and honor: it can rob many people at once, take away their dreams and ideas, to create one image of an attractive anchoress Anastasia helping people, and behind this image there is an animal, a name to which not Vladimir Megre, a name to it P. And I feel sorry for Megre. A Big Soul could be born in him, but it didn't happen, and his work will gradually be forgotten.

234.   If to take other similar leaders, who are also covered by different branded images and use their flock for own raising, then the most popular among of such brands is a Christ's brand. It stands the first among the most popular brands, giving fast inconceivable profits to those who use these brands.

235.   Vissarion, a Siberian militiaman, a half-educated person, has used this brand and collected millions of dollars. Now he was already seen in Jerusalem. People say, that there he have bought, on a mountain, a small temple and already conducts conversations with rich Jews women, but there he is already not Vissarion, but goes under other name.

236.   One our acquaintance has given him all her jewelry. And it is already total. People perish, and spirituality is distorted and turns into its contrast. And in all these cases could be absolutely differently if the victory was won by Soul. But so far wins C. and P. And this fact forces me to interfere and write this doctrine which will give to people clear ideas and will put everything and all in their places. There is enough of outrages and troubles, of sufferings of innocent people.

237.   If to count all people, who followed big Dream and with their pure dreams and intentions went to such leaders, how many will be such people, what do you think? And if to consider that these leaders have taken away everything material from them that those have acquired, have broken families, annulled their energy of souls and have destroyed dreams of bright future, and people have left disappointed and unfortunate, it is already a whole world tragedy.

238.   And how many from these innocent souls have died, how many have become embittered? These are hundreds of millions. I feel such a pain for them. P. and C. really win. It is time to stop the animal so it hasn't gone further, from where already no exit for God's people.

239.   And actually these people, that were attracted to Anastasia's, Christ's idea, and to other noble ideas and purposes looked for Virtue Friendship and its components - Magnificence and Greatness. Just some people have come to Earth after Friendship and have run on lie.

240.   Therefore people already afraid to be on friendly terms and don't trust to anybody. Those who have no own Soul try to exploit Friendship and overturn this greatest feeling. And for this sin have to be responsible those who used Friendship in the mercenary purposes.

241.   Same ones happened to our planet which has been destroyed, almost destroyed, and instead of it another has been substituted. What is in small - same is in Big. There is a war. A universal great Fight. And we are in the epicenter of events, therefore there are a lot of illusions and unprecedented blasphemy, chimeras, treacheries and humiliations for Soul.

242.   The material plan absorbs the spiritual and doesn't even choke. How many years have passed since when Megre, Vissarion and others refused of me. They already have calmed down, because I have given what I had and I am silent. And all of them propagate and propagate as mushrooms on rain.

243.   So messiahs and leaders of spirituality with mercenary interests propagate, and P. and C. really win. And the animal already dominates everywhere. And all people have given up to their instincts, and already began to forget about their Soul and Reason. Demonic mass media have worked well, and all people have bowed to an animal named P. and C.

      I have given it birth, and I will kill it.

Учение Лилит о Добродетелях и пороках. Величие

244.   Once my great ancestor Okhrim Makukha, who acts in Gogol's story under the name of Taras Bulba, has told the own son Andrey, who has betrayed the homeland and the father for the sake of such C.: "I have given you birth, and I will kill you".

245.   I have inherited the same character and spirit from my ancestor. And today I want to tell that having been born in the Bryansk woods, brought up by my father and grandmother in honor and conscience, I grew up the Reason and Soul, and when the next flower of my Soul ripened, I poured it out into this or that empty vessel of destroyed old life of a person, and I observed: what will grow there?

246.   And nothing good grew. All my outpourings haven't done good. And the people, having used my knowledge and energy of Soul, tried to get rid of me, to forget and adapt the spiritual world under own benefits, under own dolce vita, using as well the souls of other people ripened for outpourings.

247.   I think that all these people who have towered over crowd due to spiritual knowledge and Inspiration of Soul, facing those who have inspired them, who has filled their emptiness with oneself don't feel fear and shame, and aren't afraid of punishment. You know why? Because by their second feeling they understand that those who have poured in them the Inspiration and the Soul are their spiritual parents.

248.   Once one such C., who has gained a knowledge and energy from my Soul, has betrayed me and has taken, figuratively speaking, snatched a part of my property. About 10 years has passed, and suddenly she has called me. I haven't recognized her, and asked who it calls. You know how she has answered? "It calls that who lives in your soul, Violetta!".

249.   She didn't know that I have killed her in my soul and erased all the memoirs. But telling it, she realized that I became her spiritual parent. And therefore she absolutely became boorish and I have dared to call me after robbing me, and also declare that she lives in my soul. But she didn't feel yet that I have thrown her off from a pedestal and thrown out from my soul. And her way direct and irretrievable – to hell, in her C., which due to the oldness of her age doesn't work any more, and therefore you understand…

250.   And such silly persons think that spiritual parents won't kill and punish their spiritual children, though the children actually became traitors of the parents. Each of such spiritual children was moved for next P. or C. and has rejected the spiritual parents, and those who truly loved them and were able to be friends.

251.   And that is equivalent to treachery of God. And this C. perfectly understood all, and in the conversation with me herself has told that she has betrayed God and therefore her hands wither, because they became grabby. She has got my property, my memory, letters of friends, my photos, and my grandmother's icon. And she hasn't even choke. At the time of demonic culture it even seemed to her that all was forgiven to her and storm for her has passed.

252.   But there comes a payment time, and all people have to realize who is who. Why Taras Bulba kills own son, the traitor? Because people have to begin to see clearly and have to learn to distinguish spiritual world from material world. They have to learn to distinguish a gurgling C. and a creaking P. from energy of Soul and Friendship. And light would separate from darkness.

253.   And if someone has used a soul of other, then he is obliged to repay debts, and in opposite case he will be punished by people and by himself so that it won't seem a little. And I, as a spiritual Mother of many such forgetful children, who have betrayed me for sake of material benefits or for sake of P. or C., have given everyone chance to repay debts and to express a repentance and gratitude. But they haven't used time released to them.

254.   Term expires, and if my Heart has been unburdened in their vessels, then it's my right to return the force back to myself and to wipe them from my memory, and to relieve myself of even presence of thoughts of such "friends and children". And all terms have expired also for me, and similar to me. After me people-Souls would realize themselves and make same what is done by me. I gave it birth and I am killing it.

255.   If someone thinks that there is only a material plan where it is possible to kill bodies, then he is deeply mistaken. Main disappearance, so to say, happens softly at first on a mental plan. Then - sensual. And then by itself physical plan works. And people, soul carriers, will see it. And those who forced souls to suffer from fornication will look for death, and will suffer. Because the death won't come to them before they won't expiate all deeds of their villainy.

256.   Having met this or that person, who has been destroyed by his vicious life, and became an empty vessel, I and similar to me not just unburdened the knowledge and heart in them, we counted on Friendship, Cooperation and Collaboration with these people which have come to light of the Soul.

257.   But what these my wards made? They haven't just betrayed me, all of them have spat on my energy of Soul, and on my eyes turned my most dear thoughts and ideas into machines for making money. Of course, automatically, all of them come not under my favoring of spiritual Mother, but receive my full rejection. I don't consider them as the spiritual children any more, and they disappear from my memory, my mind and my Soul. Such children aren't worthy a new embodiment.

258.   And what about the people that as trustful lambs have come to call of light to these false teachers, wolves in sheep skins, the people have received blows, and also have given energy of their souls in order that spiritual images lived and blossomed on Mother Earth!

259.   Disappointment and pain of even one such spiritually ripened person who bore in his palms the energy of his soul to Christ, Anastasia, but not to Megre and Vissarion, who received treacherous stabs in the back - for one such little man already such leader is worthy a severe punishment.

260.   I am glad if someone from those who sincerely trusted and followed images of Christ, Anastasius, and other brands, remained not deceived and their hopes were fulfilled, I am happy if a severe destiny has passed them, they will make a basis of future new world. But how many of them have fallen!

261.   I saw deaths of many people, those who have steeped in different schools, have believed and gone to a meeting with next pseudo-leader as go to a meeting with Friend, and have run on sharp spears of ruthlessness, haven't found neither Friendship nor consolation. All these people and their death have laid down a gray hair on my poor head. I always believed in Friendship because I myself was always a Friend to all people and also came across with spears of rage, misunderstanding and war.

262.   But I expect a revival of these pure Souls of people in a new body with new powers of Soul. I expect a return of Soul on worthy its beauty and belief, Friendship and Greatness pedestal. On throne of life there has to be a true beauty which name is Soul. And if energies of Hopes, Believes, Love and Friendship were taken - they will be returned to their owners a hundredfold. All of people will return their GREATNESS. It is a law of cosmos. Everything has it's time. And this time is coming.

263.   But for now still on a throne of life a big C. sits, and near her a P. fusses. And life turns into absurdity, and all have simply shucked to themselves, and this lie already eats their own minds, and many of people became inadequate and scatter-brained.

264.   When little head of P. works - the head loses reason, and if woman lives by her C., she grows dull to a level of chicken. Chicken remembers an event only of 40 seconds, sometimes woman aren't capable to remember even 10 seconds. Draw conclusions for yourselves.

265.   And how this situation was brought in the world of allegedly civilized people? A total nonsense and schizophrenia. Man doesn't exists at all if his P. doesn't work experts of medicine and journalists claim. And there is need to do everything possible to lift this tool. Is that not an absurdity?

266.   But no matter how mach the old men fuss, their phallic tools don't stand for long, and our executioner, a name to which P. has grown old and gone sick. And what as result? Now, when storms have ceased, and all these movements have ceased, that what has been generated by Soul and haven't borne fruits will dry up by itself. And there even no reason to spend forces for next war.

267.   But could be in a completely different way with Vissarion and with Megre and with many others in whom I and similar to me poured in the own Souls.

268.   And now I want to return to a conversation about universal and very big deception of all people at once. People were inspired with many absolutely not needed to them and even dangerous things, And one of such things is sex.

269.   People don't even understand what's going on with them and why do they need sex. So they were told that it is good, but to investigate and to understand for yourself there aren't enough brains because everybody's development long ago stopped. If to investigate sex by yourself, to take a detached view of it, then you learn that it is a simple contraction of muscles, which leads to a spasm, and the spasm is called an orgasm, and people seek to get this spasm as often as possible.

270.   After such spasms every time human makes an emission of his energy to nowhere and loses his force, his organs and parts weaken. But people are told the opposite! What a marasmus and full lack of information, darkness and ignorance!

271.   If you study black holes which exist in the Universe, you learn that they drag into themselves whole stars. A small hole at first drags a thin emotional energy of a big star, then becsuse of this dragging the star feels spasms and contracts to such an extent that is absorbed by the small black hole entirely.

272.   You only reflect, what these spasms are doing with you or - a so-called orgasm. Same as with star in black hole happens to you. A further compression and spasms of the star break off her material body to pieces, and the black hole, having absorbed the energy, having sated, throws out from itself the broken-off parts of the poor star.

273.   Sex of man and woman is the same process. And it leads to a premature aging and diseases. And diseases are exactly a partition of person on pieces, on parts, and imagine that it happens when you haven't died yet and still alive, it is done with you by viruses and microbes. Partition of person occurs during his life, and it happens by help of interaction of fields and energies. So you watch what is hell and how it is created.

274.   Men and women think out different brain stupidities, wind themselves up, and sex arises not in P. and C., it arises in a brain of person, in petty and impudent images. To give to this inedible pie a beautiful look, to the pie consisting of an imagined shit created a chocolate wrapper, the brain joins and an unnatural desire is wound. And this wrapper has to cause a strong desire to spasms.

275.   So, sex is just a strong to spasms desire of something unclear and invented. That's all. The main – to give rise to desire in the head. And all this is a most usual illusion. But from it grow old, ill and die. And the brain begins to work with distortions, and gets sick. Who needs it? Tell yourself: "Do I need it?"

276.   Lately the sexual desires began to transfer or drag on spiritual plan, both P. and C. have sat on spiritual thrones of all worlds. Everything is won by them. Absolutely improbable spiritual perversions began to appear, they are expressed by such strange appearance of some people, such for example as God Kuzya, who called himself so in honor of a parrot. Just absurdity.

277.   That's enough only to look at such face and everything would become clear, but women go to him and getting caught, and give money, and believe that here is God before them. And what this God does for them absolutely unclear. He punishes them, scoffs and torments. And for a sado-masochism they are ready to give all their savings. What is such happened to people?

278.   And there are already millions of such God's appearances on Earth, they earth people up and allure them to themselves, brainwash and take away energy of their souls. Spoiled configuration of consciousness, an empty vessel of bad and incorrect form, having contained in itself the energy of souls, gives improbable distortions. But here the vessel breaks, the person who has gained knowledge and energy gets sick, and dies in torments, and his herd dissipates, and the energy comes back, the curvatures disappear and the people begin to see clearly.

279.   And what then? The world will gradually come to a balance and right formation. But for this purpose the one who has generated these phenomena ought to clean them out.

280.   Earlier I wrote in my first book that I won't create any doctrines. Everything already exists. But in connection with the events I had to write the Doctrine about Virtues and vices to completely erase those curvatures that have been generated by my soul and souls of similar to me people.

281.   We correct the curvatures of universe, and the energy of Soul comes back. And so-called entities that have already taken seat on thrones, those whom we call C. and P., are obliged to leave the thrones and to remain on those places where it was ordered to them to be by God.

282.   Know your place, C. and remember your place P. You are subordinated not to yourself and to a hole, but everything in the world has to be on their places; P. and C. have to be subordinated to the reason and Soul. And on a throne of life a beauty of Soul shines, but not a brainless C., isn't it, people? It is time to return beauty and to expel ignorance!

283.   To everyone with whom the destiny brought together and in whom I poured in my soul I gave chance and waited for years, in hope that the person has the Spirit wings appeared, and he flies and in his flight will return to the Tree of Life, will remember the Inspiration, and remember those who have given him life, second and new destiny.

284.   But all of them, having received the force, began to pretend for that throne on which there will always be Soul and Reason, but they have turned everything head over heels. And into place where is a forehead of the person have put P. and C. How does it all looks? You only think. What is possible to tell about such picture of life and times?

285.   I was in one ignorant family concerning one young man and spoke with him and his mummy. And what his mother was up to has been outside of human understanding. She fiercely hated her son because he was born from a man who has neglected her. She has married other man, has given birth to her son from the first beloved, and the husband suspected nothing.

286.   I managed to dig out her vice, and have asked her: "Do you have conscience, woman?", on what that lady has answered me: "Where I had a conscience there has grown P."

287.   Everything is extremely clear. Conscience is exchanged for P. by women, and men change honor and Greatness on C. And then no matter what happens, and life becomes isolated only by a family circle where would also enter children. That's all. But life only for the sake of oneself is a decay, to live only for the sake of a family is not to live, but to pollute the sky - idle one's life away.

288.   But if among women or men a girl or a boy with soul is born and grows, since the childhood he gets pecked as a stranger, and the girl is scoffed at, and such children grow as social outcast. That is such terrible distortion and such dullness and nonsense behind which there is hell, bringing down own selves to an animal state.

289.   Where here is possible to put or insert instead of P. and C. a small word about GREATNESS of human? You will tell me in a justification that a basis of this humiliation and a curvature of space of soul is a production of children?

290.   And here it is - a true happiness – a birth of own child! And for some reason an emphasis is made only on own child. The word "my child" works somehow magically. Other child is nobody, who give a damn about him, but mine – that is everything. All this doesn't seem to you a real nonsense?!

291.   Firstly: what means the word "mine"? If he came out of your C., it doesn't mean at all that he will be yours. He will grow up, and will go by own way. And though all little children are identical, the word "mine" affects somehow especially the ears and mind of man and woman, if the child is mine - we'll bring him up, if not mine - what is he for! It's already a most real blasphemy!!!

292.   Nobody gives a damn that child is an alive Soul of cosmos and God given to society. Any child is born as a Soul. But, seems like, the most important is not his soul, but his belonging, it means from whose C. and from which P. he was born. And, actually, everything is again measured not by head, not heart, but by C. and P. So, there are no people here long ago. Here only these entities which sit between legs at each human body.

293.   If you look in the eyes of truth right now, then you will understand that of all of you just make fools, and illusions were cast upon you, which you grab and make of them a basis of your life. Today it is already known that if woman has slept with one man and married another - all children will be born from the first man. British knew it and therefore took away from the men of the countries occupied by them the right of first night.

294.   And today all girls aren't chaste, and have men before the wedding, and children are born just unknown of whom. And all these checks on DNA too utter nonsense. DNA can change. Now is one DNA, and in a year will be another. So all children in principle have to be born from the soul of Nature and of Greatness of God in human, but they are born from P. and from C. Spiritual is substituted for material and mechanistic processes.

295.   And therefore all ostentatious GREATNESS is an animal habitat, where people-females and males choose to themselves a niche and put themselves above others, trying to show to people that they are great. But actually, if they have returned to themselves the Soul and conscience, all people at heart know about their full humiliation and slavery. All of them are hostages, and make hostages of own children even before their birth. Food and enery chain in action.

296.   Of course, the most part of the people will remain in that situation in which they now, even if they learn about themselves all truth, because they have no Soul and have banished it, and without soul they don't understand what they have to do and how to live.

297.   But even if on fractions of a second everyone will stop and think of my words at this moment, as in a moment of silence, a small crack between the world of deception and the world of God can be formed. And at some point this crack can extend so that to everyone wishing and understanding will be given an opportunity to leave this world and to enter another without death. I hope for it.

298.   So, I have answered you on the question of falling. There is only left to once again remember the history described in the Bible and in the Torah. In the Bible a story is told of some Adam, a first person and his wife Eve created by God. A serpent tempts them, and they become mortal. God expels them to slave away and breed.

299.   When they have tasted an apple, they saw that they are nude (in rus transl. - nag (Sanskrit) - snake). Snakes by command of God have been given a place underground. People became snakes, but remained to live on Earth. Jesus called people - a brood of vipers, and said that they don't know his God.

300.   And it is clear that the serpent has entered these men and began to live in them in form of P., and the second part of the serpent began to live in women in form of C. It turns out that people were humiliated, deceived and deprived of their GREATNESS by some serpent, which called a devil, a god of lie and a Satan. It seems to me that all were mixed in one heap. Well, God with him!

301.   It is very difficult to understand who is it such and why all that was made? The motives of actions aren't clear. Christianity throws off all in one heap and also drags in here a story with Lucifer by which confuse people completely. But we find Lucifer's photo, his sculpture, and we learn that it is God of Gods Shiva. And it turns out that to understand these artful designs isn't so simple.

302.   But for now so far we don't need it, it is important to all of us to realize what is the original sin, and why all of us sit in there? Who is capable to rescue us and return to the house of our Father? Why God till this day has made nothing for us to correct the situation, which has dragged on for so long? Is he really doesn't care of us?

303.   And here an attentive person will begin to study a very curious book - the Cabbala, and will glance in other sources of knowledge, and find strange divergences. Quite unexpectedly he learns that initially there were two Adams.

304.   And each Adam had his wife. Adam Kadmon was a spiritual person, a God himself, giving himself to the world, he has been created without egoism.

305.   And by his site there was a Knowledge itself, a greatest energy of Creation and Embodiment which is the highest Virtue of all worlds, and we will tell about her as about final and ultimate instance of all Virtues, and she was incarnated Mother of Mothers herself, Love, Mother Goddess and her name is LILITH.

306.   By Lilith's trace it's already possible to find knowledge in Indian books, which have obviously stolen those who wrote Cabbala and have rewritten it in own way.

307.   Turns out that everything is not so simple! And our second Adam Rishon has been provided with egoism, he was envious and already beforehand possessed defects. And by him his wife Eve made of his rib, allegedly has to be appeasable. But then it turns out that Eve not such which Adam Rishon would like to see.

308.   And then the history twists absolutely differently and has completely another plot than is given to us in the Bible. And here someone has strongly decided to deceive us. Who? After we learn more and more all this history and can already assume something and draw own conclusions.

309.   What we can learn about Adam from Wikipedia which has taken the knowledge from Cabbala. There in general everything is so foggy and confused, but we will risk to understand. So:

      Adam Kadmon (Heb. - "the initial person") — in Cabbala: the name of the first (highest) of 5 spiritual worlds created after the First Reduction (in Hebrew "Tsimtsum Alef") as a system for correction of Creation..

       Adam Kadmon is the first world came out from Infinity. Also is called as one line (kav) which was stretched right after reduction, from Infinity — closely to This world, Olam aze. The name "Adam" is intended only for sfirot esher, being in the first world, that is only for light ruakh which means light of return. But not for sfirot yigulim in him, in which there is only light nefesh, meaning: light of receiving for itself without a possibility of return to others. And it is a characteristic root of Adam (person) in This world.

      Thus, Adam Kadmon in a mystical tradition of Judaism the absolute, spiritual phenomenon of human essence prior to the beginning of times as a prototype for the spiritual and material world. Adam Kadmon is a Spiritual first-man and a prototype of human essence and Universe, a heavenly person who hasn't fallen into sin. Symbol of universal existence and image of universum.

310.   Well, Adam Kadmon is an ideal person, perhaps, God. To be exact - indeed.

      Adam Rishon (Hibr. - first man) — in Cabbala: a general, cumulative creation created by Creator which is a prototype of the person in a material world. It is a design consisting of great variety of particles — separate desires connected among themselves like organs and cells of our body.

       In each separate desire initially there is an aspiration to support each other, therefore in Adam's design all desires are in absolutely complete integrated combination and harmony. Adam is an absolutely sound spiritual body, similar to Creator in its quality of giving (altruism).

       In the course of own development Adam undergoes distortion, coarseness and rupture of communications between the parts. For example, two desires in him begin to confront with each other, divide, try to exist one at the expense of another. The reasons of this gradual process a need for achievement of purpose of creation, and also its stages are described in Cabbala in very detail.

311.   It is clear that of two contradicting desires – from one Adam there turned out two.

      Emergence of mutual hatred between creations is called fall. The fall happens from a level of absolute interaction to a level of absolute rejection, egoism. Splitting of communications between the parts of soul in our world is expressed in that what today on the globe there are several billions of people, each of which is in absolutely egoistical state.

       In total there are 620 of main parts, splitting happens in such a way that some of them becomes special at the individual person. In each person there is the same quantity of parts as in any other, however there is something belonging personally to him in what the person differs from all others. The part distinguishing him is present also at all other people, only at them it isn't dominating. The variety of combinations create identity of each person. Each person is similar to a construction of Adam in general, however at the same time some certain feature of Adam reveals against all construction.

312.   Generally, according to Cabbala, God has divided in himself and has created Adam Rishon. Who is Adam Rishon?

313.   Actually, here is so wound that even devil would break his leg. But one is clear, the second Adam's appearance is a catastrophe because he only takes but gives nothing. An egoist of highest category. About wives we even won't speak. It can already be found in Indian treatises. And there all stories of the tragedy, in which Adam Rishon throws off the first Adam and wins, open. God allows to happen to all this for the own reasons. And you conjecture yourselves and look for answers to the posed questions.

       And I want to provide to you several statements of great people about Greatness.

      That person who has managed to seize own time is truly great.

      Great deeds aren't done at once.

      Don't consider yourself as a great person by the size of your shadow at the setting sun.
       Pythagoras Samossky.

      So often a greatness of talent is hidden in obscurity!
       Plavt Tit Maktsy.

      Great undertakings shouldn't even be considered.
       Caesar Guy Yuli.

      In great affairs only desire — a sufficient merit.
       Propertsy Sekst.

      That person who uses clay utensils as silver is great, but also the one who silver uses as clay isn't less great.
       Seneca Lutsy Anney (Jr.).

      Greatness of some affairs consists not so much in sizes as much as in their timeliness.
       Seneca Lutsy Anney (Jr.).

      Honor those who try to make great even if they didn't manage it.
       Seneca Lutsy Anney (Jr.).

      All unknown seems great.
       Tazit Publy Cornelius.

      Greatness of soul is a law and a right judjement —
All virtues — live in solitude of woods,
But seldom is akin to them a magnificent purple.

       Pierre de Ronsar.

      Great people perished often from hands of idlers.
       William Shakespeare.

      Don't pursue much, aspire to depth. A greatness essence — not quantity, but quality. Excellent is always single and rare; what there is a lot of to that the price is small.
       Baltasar Grasian-e-Morales.

      Dependence of one great person on another, greater, — a logic not subjected to a simple person.
       George Savil Halifax.

      False greatness is only a pettiness, as false virtue — hypocrisy.
       Jean de Labruiller.

      At some people greatness is substituted for arrogance, hardness — brutality, mind - trickery.
       Jean de Labruiller.

      The same person seldom is both great, and good.
       Thomas Fuller.

      To make great deeds it isn't necessary to be the most great genius; it isn't necessary to be above people, it is necessary to be together with them.
       Charles Louis Montesquieu.

      Great deeds require tireless constancy.

      Who doesn't love freedom and truth, can be a powerful person, but will never be a great person.

      Quite often person is too reasonable to be great. A little fanaticism is necessary to achieve glory in literature and in public affairs.
       Claude Adrian Helvetius.

      Great minds reach similarly to great defects and great virtues.
       Claude Adrian Helvetius.

      Small person is small even on mountain; giant is great even in hole.
       Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

      The duplicity is alien to great people: they despise all meannesses.
       Catherine II Alekseevna.

      Great person goes ahead of time, clever goes near it on any way, cunning tries thoroughly use, silly bars the road to it.
       Eduard Bauernfeld.

314.   Well, and of course I too want to tell about GREATNESS as of the most precious magnitude given by God. GREATNESS is that most important and essential that destroys and erases by itself all insignificant.

315.   GREATNESS is a life only in honest truth, and life beyond false laws of society and opinions of people, it is Life with God and for the sake of God in pure form. The person living in GREATNESS of GOD on Earth goes always only by Great way, and all that insignificant, of what I spoke earlier, can't sway over his Soul.

316.   Of course, sometimes the elite people are born here with a laid GREATNESS of SOUL, but this GREATNESS should be disclosed, and it can be made only through magnificent affairs and proved by honesty, conscience and facts of life.

317.   If in the person there lives Virtue of Friendship and Greatness such people hate defects, such as treachery, cowardice, greed, pettiness, but they hate only defects, and feel pity to people who are allotted with defects.

318.   And also I want to tell from the personal experience: if people go in cycles on small, if they are upset by trifles, if they diligently work on petty and shiver because of trifles, know: such people aren't capable to great deeds. But GREATNESS allows never to be upset and use any situations on advantage to affairs and projects.

319.   And it results in such properties of Soul that whatever happen Great person doesn't start crying, doesn't fall apart, but self-controlled in any most difficult situation, and this situation can become for him a new Inspiration and a birth of internal force. Which name is Knowledge. And it will be our last Virtue in the Doctrine about Virtues.

320.   But in order that all Virtues of human have been shown to people, great shocks and great changes and events that person could show his deeds on Earth are necessary.

321.   And also, as a matter of experience of this life, I declare that if a person by Grand Design creates great projects of future, such that he requires thousands of years on them, but not 10, 20, then his GREATNESS soon will become visible to all, and he will win victory over any evil. And whatever such person does, even a small thing, everything will bear on itself a stamp of GREATNESS.

322.   And never, not a one Great Deed, any Great person did according to human measures. It always was for the first time, and always his affairs were behind horizon of human representations, and at first people understood nothing, over time the understanding came and all it seemed simple and available. And each person could tell about it: "Why shouldn't I thought of such simplicity earlier".

323.   But the Knowledge is behind this simplicity. And therefore all simple is wise and immortal. It is necessary to live and work in GREATNESS not in vain, but in Eternity and for Eternity. And this Greatness is always truthful and always present and therefore is simple.

324.   Our long conversation still will continue on Virtue Knowledge, which goes by number 111. And all this makes a big sense.

Author Maria Lilith Karpinskaya. 9 MAY 2016
Text translated by Maya Nikolaeva.

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