Сказочный Клуб Марии Карпинской "ЭНЕРГИЯ"
Выходит в свет вторая книга Марии Карпинской "Расскажите мне об Отце" из серии книг "Как Марии ХРИСТА на Земле искала". На сайте размещены ключевые главы из книги.
Verses and proseof Maria Karpinskaya
The Books
Author: Maria Karpinskaya. Translation: Maya Nikolaeva. AN OPENED BOOK OF A CHILDHOOD. AN EXTRAVAGANZA. >>>>
The Articles
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Koshchey the Immortal's needle in a Gordian knot of Shashurin S.P. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva The Pandora's box is open!!! What will be farther with mankind. A great sacrifice is made. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Lilith's doctrine about Virtues and vices. Quality Virtues Mother Lilith and their purpose. VIRTUE OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE TREASURES OF THE WORLDS. 110. Virtue of Friendship - Greatness. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Lilith's doctrine about Virtues and vices. Quality Virtues Mother Lilith and their purpose. VIRTUE OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE TREASURES OF THE WORLDS. 108. Virtue - Friendship. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Lilith's doctrine about Virtues and vices. The main vice from which all vices of mankind grow. Hutspa. A pocket manual for super-murderers. How to drive to grave a person with conscience and moral principles. How to bring a conscious person to full madness. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Exposing the Old Testament and the commandments of God. Was there a penny in the beginning? >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Russia - Ukraine. Howl at men. Consequences. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva A secret of the century, changing the world of gods and demons for everyone's benefit. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva An Atomic Lady in Fibonacci's row. Сreation of new kernel. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Revelations of Lilit from 2.01.2010 г The one who convenes the Messiahs. >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. The new ark of rescue is constructed! >>>>
The Article of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Maria Karpinskaya is opening the crazy secret of senturies. 26.12.2010 >>>>
The Аppeal in Prose and Poetry of Maria Karpinskaya. The letter of a russian lady to the people of India >>>>
The Poems
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva From the cycle "Angels of Love". Angels on the Wings of Darkness. >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. The History of Love >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Hymn to Godess >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva Cry of the Mother Goddess >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. An appeal of the Mother Goddess to the people >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Lament of the Mother Goddess >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva By the Pike's Will. The spell for Russia >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva I became Death. >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Triptych. The poems about Lilith >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva The Tree of my Desires >>>>
The poem of Maria Karpinskaya. Translation of Maya Nikolaeva From the "Pilgrimage to holy places" India "Meeting with the Mountain" >>>>
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